Elder: Pastor Cal Phelps
Mission Statement: The Communication Team acts as an enabler for the church leadership and church body to effectively update and maintain church communications through branding, media, and any methods necessary to inform the community of the churches' events, programs, and the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
External Communication
Lead: Zach Turner
It is the purpose of the external communications team to keep the community updated about GHBC on platforms outside the building such as YouTube and Facebook. Remember to Subscribe and Like us!
Tori does much of GHBC's graphic Design as well!!
Internal Communication
Lead: Austin Cox
It is the purpose of the Internal Communications team to keep the body informed within the church.
Website Management
Lead: Zach Turner and Rachel Lane
We strive to maintain a streamlined website, that acts as a bridge between the church and the online world. It is our goal to get the services and events to as many people as possible beyond the walls of GHBC. We also strive to provide a hub for announcements and events pertaining to GHBC.