Pastor’s Pen 07/01/2022

Pastor’s Pen 07/01/2022

Do You Hate Evil?

Hate evil, you who love Yahweh, Psalm 97:10

Many people claim to be Christians, but their lives do not reflect their words. No greater example of that is those claiming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior yet believe that women have the right to murder babies in the womb. The following is an excerpt from a Rolling Stones article written on June 27, 2022:

“According to a Pew survey published this past May, a majority of not just religious people but of Christians, specifically, support a woman’s right to abortion care in some, if not all, cases. Twenty percent of Black Protestants say abortion should be legal without exception; a full 77 percent of white evangelicals think it should be legal at least sometimes. Fifty-nine percent of Christians in the United States did not want Roe overturned…. In fact, for many Christians, and especially in the lead-up to Friday’s landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, speaking up in support of abortion access has become   increasingly important — not in spite of their faith, but because of it. “It’s not just that many Christians aren’t out celebrating today; it’s that many Christians across the country are out      protesting,” says Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, author of Just Faith: Reclaiming Progressive Christianity, who spoke to me on Friday after     returning from a protest in front of the Supreme Court, where he’d been joined by other faith leaders. “There’s a consistent outrage from    Christians about the decision, in addition to the much more widely-known and talked about praise for the decision. People have fought for reproductive justice because of their Christian faith throughout history, and that will continue now.”

You cannot be a follower of Christ and promote, support, or encourage evil. Abortion on demand is evil, and those who claim to be of Christ and support that heinous practice are just like the religious leaders Jesus called hypocrites, vipers, and white-watched tombs (Matthew 23).

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul writes that when we are saved we are transformed: “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20). We are to transform our minds    to be more like Christ and not conform to what the World says and does. How did we get to a place when so-called Christians support the murder of the unborn, people changing their gender, homosexuality, and all kinds of  sexual sin? It starts with a weak gospel that says that God loves everyone and excepts you as you are and that you don’t have to obey a 2000-year-old book. What the World has done is created a god in their image; they call  progressive Christianity.

We are commanded to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ  to everyone. We share the truth in love, but we do not       condone, make excuses, or openly support those who refuse to repent from their sins. To be a follower of Christ, you must hate what God hates, and He hates sin.

Your shepherd,

Pastor Mark



  1. Read Psalm 97 in my daily Bible reading, and then decided to read your blog where you quoted from it. Love it when those type of things happen. I do love God and I do hate evil. And it won’t take long to see evil rear it’s ugly head if you talk to others about your stand for the unborn.

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